The cardboard picture(No.2)


Scenery of Netherlands No.2

The cardboard picture which I made last time was my first work, so it wasn’t very well. I tried to make it again. This time, I was able to draw the details of the building and reflection of the water surface well.

①At first, I got the beautiful picture of the Netherlands from the internet.

②Next, I drew the buildings and ships on the board with a pencil.

③I cut out the cardboard into the shape of the building and stuck it on the bord.

④After I finished putting the buildings, I stuck the roof and window frame.

⑤Then I stuck the ships.

⑥After I finished sticking all the parts of cardboard picture, I started coloring the picture from the sky.

⑦After I finished painting the buildings, I made a  crosspiece of the windows.

⑧Next I pasted the trees on the board. This art work particularly need a detailed oriental skill.

⑨Next I painted the trees and ships.

⑩Finally, I attached the wooden frame in it. I finished.

⑪I’m displaying it in the living room now.

